System Integration

Webhooks by Zapier and Namely Integration

Integrating Webhooks by Zapier and Namely ensures efficient and seamless HR processes

The integration helps organizations save time, eliminate errors, and free up HR managers to focus on strategic initiatives that improve workforce productivity and engagement.

System Integration
Edward Saunders

Webhooks by Zapier and Namely Integration

Namely is a human resources management platform that streamlines HR processes. Meanwhile, Webhooks by Zapier is an integration platform that connects various apps and automates workflows. The integration of these two powerful systems through API or SDK provides a solution to several HR challenges.

API and SDK Integration

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of protocols and tools that enable different software systems to communicate with each other. Meanwhile, SDK stands for Software Development Kit. It is a collection of tools and resources that developers use to build software for a particular platform.

The integration of Namely and Webhooks by Zapier requires a set of API calls or SDK codes. Once configured, the integration enables Namely to send data to Zapier, which then carries out various actions in other apps using the data received from Namely. This saves time and improves accuracy by eliminating manual data entry.

Problems Solved

The integration of these two platforms solves several human resources challenges, including:

  • Automation of recruitment processes, including job postings, interview scheduling, and candidate tracking
  • Streamlining employee onboarding and offboarding
  • Eliminating manual data entry, which reduces errors and saves time
  • Centralize HR data, including payroll, benefits, time off, and performance management, in one system for easier management
  • Improving employee engagement and communication through automated performance reviews, surveys, and feedback systems


Integrating Webhooks by Zapier and Namely ensures efficient and seamless HR processes. The integration helps organizations save time, eliminate errors, and free up HR managers to focus on strategic initiatives that improve workforce productivity and engagement.

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