System Integration

How Namely and ServiceNow integration can benefit your HR department

The integration of Namely and ServiceNow can benefit HR departments in a number of ways

By eliminating duplicate data entry, improving record-keeping, and automating workflows, HR departments can become more efficient and productive. Whether you choose to integrate the platforms using APIs or SDKs, the end result will likely be a more streamlined HR department that can better serve your employees.

System Integration
Edward Saunders

How Namely and ServiceNow integration can benefit your HR department

Namely is a human resources management platform that offers a variety of tools to manage your company's HR functions. ServiceNow is an IT service management platform that offers a suite of tools to manage IT operations and workflows. When these two platforms are integrated, they can solve a range of problems that HR departments face.

Integration through API or SDK

The integration of Namely and ServiceNow is typically done using APIs or SDKs. APIs allow the platforms to communicate with each other and exchange data seamlessly. An SDK is a development kit that allows developers to create custom integrations between the two platforms. Regardless of the integration method used, the end result is a more efficient HR department that can better manage employee data and requests.

Problems their integration solves

When Namely and ServiceNow are integrated, the following problems can be solved:

  • Duplicate data entry: When HR departments use multiple platforms for different tasks, they may have to enter the same data into multiple systems. Integrating Namely and ServiceNow eliminates this problem by allowing employee data to be automatically synced between the two platforms.
  • Record-keeping: HR departments are typically required to keep detailed records of employee requests and actions. By integrating Namely and ServiceNow, all requests and actions are tracked in one central location, making it easier for HR to keep records up to date and organized.
  • Workflow automation: The integration of Namely and ServiceNow can streamline many HR workflows. For example, when an employee submits a request for time off in Namely, the request can automatically be routed to the appropriate manager in ServiceNow for approval.


The integration of Namely and ServiceNow can benefit HR departments in a number of ways. By eliminating duplicate data entry, improving record-keeping, and automating workflows, HR departments can become more efficient and productive. Whether you choose to integrate the platforms using APIs or SDKs, the end result will likely be a more streamlined HR department that can better serve your employees.

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