System Integration

Integration of Greenhouse and AWS Lambda

The integration of Greenhouse and AWS Lambda through API or SDK can provide an automated recruiting process that saves time and resources for companies

It can also provide objective criteria for evaluating candidates. This integration is an example of how disparate services can be integrated to provide value-added services for users.

System Integration
Edward Saunders

How Greenhouse and AWS Lambda can be integrated

Greenhouse is a recruiting software used by companies for their hiring needs. AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service offered by Amazon Web Services. While these two services may not seem to be related, they can be integrated to provide a seamless hiring process for companies. This integration can be achieved through API or SDK.

Integration through API or SDK

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of protocols and tools used for building software applications. SDK stands for Software Development Kit. It is a collection of software development tools that allow developers to create applications for a certain software or hardware platform.

The integration of Greenhouse and AWS Lambda can be achieved through their respective APIs or SDKs. This integration can provide automation for the recruiting process. For example, when a candidate applies for a job, their resume can be automatically uploaded to AWS Lambda via an API call. From there, Lambda can process the resume and perform tasks such as keyword extraction and sentiment analysis. The results can then be passed back to Greenhouse via another API call.

Problems their integration solves

The integration of Greenhouse and AWS Lambda can solve several problems faced by companies during the recruiting process. One of the biggest problems is the time it takes to review resumes. With the integration, an automated system can perform tasks that would otherwise take a human recruiter a significant amount of time. This saves time and resources for the company.

Another problem is the subjectivity of the selection process. Recruiters may have biases or preferences that affect their hiring decisions. An automated system can reduce this subjectivity by using objective criteria to evaluate candidates.


The integration of Greenhouse and AWS Lambda through API or SDK can provide an automated recruiting process that saves time and resources for companies. It can also provide objective criteria for evaluating candidates. This integration is an example of how disparate services can be integrated to provide value-added services for users.

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