System Integration

GoTo Training and Amazon CloudFront Integration

The integration of GoTo Training and Amazon CloudFront provides businesses with a reliable and scalable solution for online training program delivery

With the availability of training content around the world, increased download speeds, and automation of content distribution, businesses can spend more time creating effective training programs instead of worrying about delivery logistics.

System Integration
Edward Saunders

GoTo Training and Amazon CloudFront Integration

As businesses continue to embrace remote work, online training programs have become crucial for employee development. GoTo Training, a popular online training platform, provides a variety of training tools, including virtual classrooms, webinars, and on-demand courses. However, as your business grows, your training programs need to be available globally and with reliable speed.

Introducing Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that caches and delivers content on behalf of businesses globally. It uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure to provide low-latency and high-speed content delivery. By using Amazon CloudFront, your training program content can be available to learners around the world without lags or buffering.

Integration via API or SDK

In order to integrate GoTo Training with Amazon CloudFront, you can use Amazon's Application Programming Interface (API) or Software Development Kit (SDK). With API, it is possible to automate the process of creating and associating Amazon CloudFront distributions with GoTo Training courses. Meanwhile, with SDK, businesses can create custom integrations to fit their unique training needs.

Problems Solved by GoTo Training and Amazon CloudFront Integration

The integration of GoTo Training and Amazon CloudFront solves several problems that businesses encounter when providing online training programs including:

  • Global Availability: With Amazon CloudFront, businesses can enable learners to access training programs with reliable speeds around the world.
  • Increased Speed: Content cached by Amazon CloudFront means that learners experience faster download times.
  • Scalability: With the use of API or SDK, businesses can automate content distribution for thousands of learners, freeing up time for businesses to focus on creating effective training programs.


The integration of GoTo Training and Amazon CloudFront provides businesses with a reliable and scalable solution for online training program delivery. With the availability of training content around the world, increased download speeds, and automation of content distribution, businesses can spend more time creating effective training programs instead of worrying about delivery logistics.

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