System Integration

Integration of Facebook Custom Audiences and LinkedIn Ads

The integration of Facebook Custom Audiences and LinkedIn Ads through API or SDK offers a unique opportunity for businesses to expand their reach and target a broader audience

By streamlining their advertising efforts and serving ads to users who are active on both platforms, businesses can increase their conversions and ultimately achieve greater success.

System Integration
Edward Saunders

Integration of Facebook Custom Audiences and LinkedIn Ads

In today's digital age, reaching the right audience is crucial for the success of any business. Facebook Custom Audiences and LinkedIn Ads are two powerful advertising tools that help businesses target their ideal customers and drive conversions. However, what if you could combine the power of these two platforms and reach an even broader audience? This is where integration through API or SDK comes in.

What are Facebook Custom Audiences?

Facebook Custom Audiences enable businesses to target advertisements to specific groups of Facebook users. This is achieved by uploading a list of email addresses, phone numbers, or Facebook user IDs of the desired audience. Facebook then matches the list with existing users on their platform and serves ads to those individuals.

What are LinkedIn Ads?

Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn Ads allow businesses to target specific audiences based on job title, industry, company size, and more. LinkedIn also offers Account-Based Marketing (ABM) options, where businesses can target specific companies and individuals within those companies.

Integration through API or SDK

The integration of Facebook Custom Audiences and LinkedIn Ads through API or SDK allows businesses to target audiences across both platforms simultaneously. This means that businesses can serve ads to users who are both active on Facebook and LinkedIn, expanding their reach and potentially increasing their conversions.

Problems their Integration Solves

The integration of Facebook Custom Audiences and LinkedIn Ads solves several problems for businesses. Firstly, it allows businesses to streamline their advertising efforts by targeting both platforms simultaneously. This means that businesses do not have to create separate advertisements on each platform, saving them time and resources. Additionally, it allows businesses to reach a broader audience by serving ads to users who are active on both platforms, increasing the chances of conversion.


The integration of Facebook Custom Audiences and LinkedIn Ads through API or SDK offers a unique opportunity for businesses to expand their reach and target a broader audience. By streamlining their advertising efforts and serving ads to users who are active on both platforms, businesses can increase their conversions and ultimately achieve greater success.

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