System Integration

BambooHR and Moodle Integration

The integration of BambooHR and Moodle offers a complete HR solution for businesses of any size

By syncing employee data and training information, HR and L&D teams can manage their tasks more efficiently and focus on strategic initiatives. Moreover, employees benefit from an improved experience and training compliance. If you are looking for a comprehensive HR and training solution, consider integrating BambooHR and Moodle through API or SDK.

System Integration
Edward Saunders

BambooHR and Moodle Integration: A Complete HR Solution

When it comes to managing employee data and training, many organizations use different systems for different functions. However, with the integration of BambooHR and Moodle, businesses can have a complete HR solution in one place.


BambooHR is a cloud-based HR software designed to manage employee data and automate HR workflows. Some of its features include employee data management, time-off tracking, performance management, and reporting. It also offers integration with other systems through API or SDK.


Moodle is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS) used for delivering online training and education. It provides tools for course creation, assessment, and collaboration. Moodle is used by schools, universities, and enterprises for employee training and eLearning.

Integration of the two through API or SDK

The integration of BambooHR and Moodle can be done through API or SDK. BambooHR offers a REST API that allows developers to access and modify employee data. Moodle, on the other hand, provides an External Function API that enables integration with external systems.

With the integration, employee data can be synced between BambooHR and Moodle. This means that when a new employee is added to BambooHR, they will automatically be added to Moodle as well. Additionally, employee details such as job title, location, and department can be pulled from BambooHR and used in Moodle.

Moreover, training data can also be synced between the two systems. When a course is completed in Moodle, the data is transmitted back to BambooHR, allowing managers to track employee training progress and compliance.

Problems their integration solves

By integrating BambooHR and Moodle, businesses can solve several problems related to employee management and training:

  • No duplicated data entry. Employee data only needs to be added and updated in one place, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Increased efficiency. With automated data syncing, HR and L&D teams can focus on strategic tasks rather than manual data entry.
  • Better compliance. Training data is recorded and tracked in both systems, ensuring that employees meet the required training standards.
  • Improved employee experience. Employees can easily access their training courses and progress through Moodle, without having to go through multiple systems.


The integration of BambooHR and Moodle offers a complete HR solution for businesses of any size. By syncing employee data and training information, HR and L&D teams can manage their tasks more efficiently and focus on strategic initiatives. Moreover, employees benefit from an improved experience and training compliance. If you are looking for a comprehensive HR and training solution, consider integrating BambooHR and Moodle through API or SDK.

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