System Integration

Integrating Amazon SNS and Chargify for Seamless Payment Processing

Integrating Amazon SNS and Chargify offers numerous benefits for businesses that rely on recurring revenue streams

By automating payment processing and subscription management, businesses can reduce manual intervention, improve the customer experience, and increase operational efficiency. With the use of APIs and SDKs, the integration is easy to implement and can be customized to fit the needs of any business.

System Integration
Edward Saunders

Integrating Amazon SNS and Chargify for Seamless Payment Processing

What is Amazon SNS?

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a message and notification service that makes it easy to decouple and scale microservices, serverless applications, and event-driven computing.

With Amazon SNS, you can:

  • Publish messages to topics or directly to individual Amazon SNS endpoints, such as Amazon SQS queues, AWS Lambda functions, HTTP/HTTPS endpoints, email addresses, and mobile devices
  • Send SMS messages to more than 200 countries and regions
  • Create message filtering policies that use attributes to route messages to different endpoints
  • Encrypt messages in transit and at rest
  • Use cloud-native integration with other AWS services, such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS CloudWatch

What is Chargify?

Chargify is a recurring billing and subscription management platform that simplifies the complexities of recurring billing for SaaS, subscription box, membership, and other recurring revenue businesses.

With Chargify, you can:

  • Create and manage subscription plans, add-ons, and one-time charges
  • Automatically charge credit cards, ACH, and PayPal accounts on a recurring basis
  • Provide customers with self-service portals to manage their subscriptions and billing information
  • Integrate with popular payment gateways, such as Braintree, PayPal, and Stripe
  • Generate detailed revenue reports and metrics

Integration of the two through API or SDK

By integrating Amazon SNS and Chargify, you can automate your payment processing and reduce the risk of failed payments and customer churn.

The integration can be achieved through the use of APIs or SDKs.

  • Amazon SNS provides APIs for managing topics, subscriptions, and messages.
  • Chargify provides a REST API as well as client libraries for popular programming languages, such as Ruby, Python, and PHP.

The integration can be configured to:

  • Notify Amazon SNS topics or endpoints when a customer signs up or cancels a subscription, or when a payment fails or succeeds in Chargify.
  • Use Amazon SNS to trigger webhooks or serverless functions that process the notification message and take appropriate action, such as updating a CRM or sending a follow-up email.

Problems their integration solves

The integration of Amazon SNS and Chargify solves several problems for businesses:

  • Reduced manual intervention: With automated notifications and actions, businesses can reduce the need for manual intervention in payment processing and subscription management.
  • Improved customer experience: By notifying customers of payment failures or subscription cancellations in a timely manner, businesses can improve their customer experience and reduce customer churn.
  • Real-time updates: By using Amazon SNS to trigger real-time updates and actions, business can improve their operational efficiency and responsiveness to customer needs.
  • Scalability and flexibility: By decoupling payment processing and subscription management from other parts of the business, businesses can scale and adapt to changing customer needs faster and more efficiently.


Integrating Amazon SNS and Chargify offers numerous benefits for businesses that rely on recurring revenue streams. By automating payment processing and subscription management, businesses can reduce manual intervention, improve the customer experience, and increase operational efficiency. With the use of APIs and SDKs, the integration is easy to implement and can be customized to fit the needs of any business.

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