Website development for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation
Website development for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation
We are honoured that we had the opportunity to work on the One Earth Climate Model project for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.
One Earth Climate Model
You can see the website here:
The One Earth Climate Model is a research funded by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The research resulted in a book entitled Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement, was the culmination of a two-year scientific collaboration with 17 leading scientists at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), two institutes at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and the University of Melbourne's Climate & Energy College.
Team Brookvale's task was to create a data visualisation engine and a website which can showcase the massive amount of data. There is statistical data for different regions and countries. Our web application dynamically processes and transforms the data into graphs. In addition to displaying data and graphs the website also presents wind and solar map layers for each region.
Technologies used
100% RE - Home Page. [Link]
100% RE - Africa selected for region. [Link]